Letter to Parents
Welcome to ART class!
I am excited to teach your child art this year! I would like to share some information with you that will help connect you with what is happening in art class and to enhance your child’s visual art experience.
What supplies are needed for art class?
NONE! All art supplies are provided. However, the art room would graciously appreciate donations of the following items:
WIPES (non-bleach)
What does my child need to bring to art class?
A paint shirt if you want to protect your child’s clothing. I recommend a large old short-sleeved t-shirt. Keep in mind that kids will wipe their hands on the closest thing available, so wearing a paint shirt does not guarantee that he/she will not come home wearing some art supplies. If they do come home with some art supplies on their clothing, you know they were actively learning in art class today!
When will my child have art?
Your child will have art once a week for a total of 18 weeks.
What day/s of the week will my child have art?
The schedule has not been published yet. I will share the schedule on my website when it is released.
What is my child going to learn in art class?
Many of the art projects will include other subjects such as social studies, science, math, language arts and music! Art is a great way to enhance student learning in the classroom!
We will be creating printmaking projects, ceramic projects, paintings (some with glitter paint!), drawings and much more!
We will also focus on the artists, Paul Klee, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Jasper Johns, Laurel Birch and Andre Derain, just to name a few!
When will my child bring home his/her artwork?
Your child's artwork will be uploaded to Artsonia which is an online art gallery for student work. After the artwork is uploaded, it will be sent home with your child.
How can I see what is happening in art class?
You can follow me on twitter or on my website! Scan the QR codes below to or go to the web addresses I have listed.
My website and Twitter:
alisonsiewny.wixsite.com/artclass @MrsSiewny
Creatively yours,
Alison Siewny, Art Teacher
You can print a copy of the Parent letter by clicking the DOCX below.