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Mrs. Dishong's 2nd Grade Class Clay Rattles

Students created these rattles with a purpose! They learned that clay rattles were created by artists for many different reasons such as celebrating a new life, for spirituality, and for their soothing, magical qualities. Some rattles were created by artists to give to cancer patients to hold and remind them that someone is thinking of them and wishing them well through their treatments. And of course they learned that rattles are a part of the percussion family in music because of their rattle sound! Make sure you ask your little artist what the purpose of their rattle is! There were some really creative purposes!

We integrated technology into this project by using youtube videos and the ipads. Students got to choose which type of rattle they wanted to construct and watched the corresponding youtube video created by Mrs. Siewny to construct their rattles step-by-step. This technique was a first for me and the kiddos. It was a learning experience! With some challenges of internet connection, and connecting to my youtube channel, the students ultimately loved being able to "pause" me from talking, rewinding me and fast forwarding me during instruction according to their own pace! It was a sight to see!

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